Are You Ready To Harness Your Deeper Source of Wisdom?
Attend a Q&A Session to learn about how
depth psychology can change your life
Depth psychology coaching is an Indiana Jones adventure, equal parts exciting and terrifying. It's the ultimate challenge for someone who is bored with external markers of success or for those who are confused about why they can't have what they think they want.
Learning the language of your unconscious opens up a whole new world of possibilities, where you see things you couldn't see before, which means you have options you didn't know existed. This frightens the mind, which seeks to protect you by affirming and confirming what it has decided is true.
Once you face what's in your personal unconscious, you'll discover the hidden agenda for how you've lived your life to uncover your true desires. Will you be brave enough to answer the call to understand your personal life within the context of your ancestry and the universal experience of humanity?
The deeper your relationship with Self, the stronger your connection to the creative intelligence that wants to flow through you to create what you cannot create alone. Surrendering to this transcendent power is what inspires your new deeper sense of purpose.
Surrendering to the mysteries of life will bring new heights of ecstasy and depths of meaning. Are you ready?

Dip your toe in the water of your unconscious, do an accelerated deep dive,
and/or access depth psychology coaching via email.

Individual Sessions
Get to the bottom of an issue, reconstruct yourself after unraveling, explore relationships and sexuality, and more. Commit to yourself through recurring sessions priced according to frequency.
Fees: $75-$125 for 60-75 minute sessions based on frequency

Email Coaching
From exploring a dream, to preparing for a difficult conversation, to debriefing a fight with your life partner or co-worker, get access to my expertise and guidance via email.
Fees: $35 per email exchange

Depth of Wisdom
Six-Month Deep Dive
Are you confused about why you're not totally satisfied with your life? Are you just antsy because you know there's more for you to experience or is your life already falling apart?
Feeling trapped and overwhelmed by emotions makes it impossible to see the truth of the situation so most people just keep treading water.
But the more you resist the invitation from your unconscious, the more dramatic your life will become. You might even start unleashing on the people you love or end up with a serious illness.
How do you escape this prison?
Could You Benefit By Depth Psychology Coaching?
Maybe. If you:
Feel trapped in a situation, job, or relationship, and you can’t figure out how to accept it or leave it
You’ve already had a crisis or unraveling, and now you need a framework for reconstructing your new self.
After ending a long-term relationship, you jumped into a new one and now you see red flags but don’t trust your intuition.
After divorce, you did the better thing by focusing on yourself first, and now you’re feeling insecure about dating, love, your body, and sex.
You can’t get to the bottom of your generalized anxiety or angst about an upcoming birthday.
100% virtual. I can work with you wherever you live, we don't have to waste time commuting, and you can create a personalized and sacred space for our sessions, which are held via zoom or other virtual app.
100% private pay. No approval needed or constraints imposed by insurance companies who put profit over your wellbeing anyway. Check with your employer about using your health savings accounts or other program that contributes to your mental health and overall wellbeing. I take payments via Venmo, Zelle, and PayPal. We'll talk price during the free consultation.
Frequency. Most people see me every other week because once we open the doorway to your unconscious, you'll have so much material to explore. A few see me weekly and a few see me monthly.
How Sessions Look and Feel
The mind/ego gets us started. Typically, my clients will have something specific they want to talk about. This is the ego thinking it knows what's going on. We'll start there.
Opening up to the wisdom from the unconscious. We'll work with recent dreams, disproportionate emotional responses to events, meaningful coincidences, preoccupations with films, people, songs, fantasy images or obsessions. This is always a faster path to insights than the mind.
Relaxing into active imagination. The fun and mind-blowing insights and unleashing happens here. We will relax into a deeper level of consciousness and explore and tend to the images that emerge. They could be memories, fantasies, feelings, landscapes. As I listen and guide my clients as they follow their imagination (the language of Soul/Psyche), huge ah-ha's happen that shift perspective and lead to receiving knowledge from a mysterious Source.
Application. New insights lead to realizations about new behaviors needed, which can trigger fear, anxiety, excitement, lots of emotions. Together, we plan actions to try out. Terrifying and exciting is a great combination that often leads to creative unleashing.
How Depth Psychology Coaching Works

Kari, Hooper, UT
Reclaiming My Voice
Before I met Deborah, I was in a dark place, unable to recognize verbal abuse in a close relationship. Each session with her was transformative. She helped me feel important, stand up for myself, and make choices that were best for me. Through active imagination, dream work, and her confident guidance, I learned to understand my emotions and be curious rather than judgmental. Now, I know I matter, have a voice, and see the truth in situations. I no longer accept undue blame, apologize for taking up space, or hesitate to choose for myself. Reclaiming my power and voice has profoundly changed my life.

Jelena, FL
From Confusion to Clarity
I grappled with self-doubt, confusion, and anxiety, intimacy in my relationship, and I was unsure how to meet my needs. In my late 40s, lost and unhappy, Deborah became the midwife in the birth of my new self and future. She helped me unravel my thoughts and insecurities, offering tools for the change I needed. Her passion, openness, and wisdom continue to be a non-judgmental space for breakthroughs that blend spiritual, intellectual, and practical elements. Deborah, thank you for transforming my life.

Michelle, Milwaukee, WI
My Dreams Are Talking to Me!
My therapist recommended Deborah when a series of vivid dreams got my attention, including one where something kept coming out of my nose. It freaked me out! I never knew my dreams were a way my unconscious was trying to tell me something, and I’m still getting used to the idea that people who show up in my dreams represent aspects of me. I’m still learning. It’s not about interpretation, and Deborah has taught me how to explore them on my own. I’m learning to trust an organic knowing about where the metaphor or symbol is in my life. Exploring my dreams is helping me on my journey to heal and better myself, and I already feel deeper connection with myself, my unconscious, my past, and parts of me that want to come out.

Bob, Abington, PA
Trusting Myself More
Before I started sessions with Dr. Deborah, I was really feeling at odds with myself, not confident in my direction post-retirement. The time we spent exploring my unconscious, in particular analyzing some interesting dreams I had, really opened me up to receive the self-contained wisdom inside me. Deborah doesn't point out the truths in your unconscious mind, she helps you exercise the tools you need to discover them for yourself. As a result of this process I am feeling much more confident in myself and the decisions that I make.

Vanessa, Roanoke, VA
New Insights About Old Experiences
I hit the Lottery When I found Deborah. I wanted to understand the origins of all sorts of patterns. Her combination of expertise in exploring the unconscious and skill as a coach has led to a thorough understanding of what drives me. And I'm just getting going. From day one, Deborah's insights on past experiences that I had long ago laughed off have been eye-opening. I now see the world and myself in it differently, and I'm curious about the deeper meaning in all sorts of things, even why I'm attracted to certain films, why I keep having the same dream, or synchronicities that occur between sessions. And it's fun!

James, Milwaukee, WI
Reconnecting with My Artist Self
Not knowing how to talk with my wife about intimacy issues is what brought me to Deborah. Our sessions prompted so many insights about how I had shown up in past relationships, and even though my marriage ended, I’m more confident about knowing and communicating my needs and being able to opt out of toxic relationships in a way that doesn’t make my partner the bad guy. Deborah’s talent for guided active imagination and exploring dreams, along with my new commitment to meditation and journaling helped me reconnect with my artist self, which has been exciting. What surprised me most was how quickly I was able to open my mind, body, and spirit to a former self even during a trying time.