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My New Adventure – Take Two!

Writer: Deborah LukovichDeborah Lukovich

Updated: Sep 5, 2020

From fundraising and community engagement to what might feel like a disparate range of topics is quite a change, AND I’m so grateful for the 600+ email subscribers that stuck with me.

Two years later on the exact same day, I secured my PhD just one week after getting in my ten-year old BMW SUV with only what I could fit in it and drove down to Jacksonville Beach, Florida.

Before setting sail, out of nowhere came an urge to learn how to be a bartender – doesn’t everyone do that in midlife? For seven months, Twisted Fisherman and its family of staff acted as a kind of womb that supported the completion of my dissertation and brain dumping of my memoir.

This post is short and sweet. I want to entice you to not only stick with me, but to help me find all those other people who might be interested in my new SCHTICK.

I’m all in now! When it comes down to it, I’m passionate about inner reconciliation – healing the inner division that fuels outer division. When I write about film, it’s because I see something more than the obvious and which extends beyond my personal life - clues about what is going on at a deeper level in the collective.

I’m still not sure how this is all going to shake out. I’m honestly being guided by something that is bigger than me. I feel like vessel for something that wants to come through my quirky personality and unique experience and then onto the page in various formats. But I’m new at this.

Stay tuned. In September, I’ll be formally re-launching my new website and updates on my coming memoir, online course, AND offering a FREE copy of my first ever short story – The Fantasy – for those who sign up for my email list.

Go ahead and get a sneak peek if you like –


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