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Jump When You're Scared

Writer: Deborah LukovichDeborah Lukovich

There's no better time to take a risk when everything is falling apart around you. Out of the moments of despair, helplessness, confusion about the right thing to do, rock bottom of losing everything to addiction, being pushed against the wall by the bully, the final act of acquiesceing to please everyone but you ... one finally surrenders to the mysterious workings of the universe.


It's not about giving up, rather it is accepting the truth of the situation and seeing what you were too afraid to see before. You weren't ready to overcome the fear of the consequences of choosing authenticity over meeting some subjectively created decree established by other fallible humans who seek to control others because they fear their own authenticity.


As you feel it in your bones, things are falling apart all around you, plunging people into uncertainty. Some will languish as they wait for others to tell them what to do and how to react, making them suspectible to conspiracy theories and easy answers that turn them against their felllow humans.


But not you!

You sense there is a deeper thing going on beneath the surface. You know that what is required is holding the tension between what is perceived to be in opposition. You can see the addiction in others to either/or thinking, the desire to have an easy answer vs. building the muscle to explore the root of your emotional reactions to those who frustrate you.


As you reconcile your own inner division, you start showing up in the world differently. What once triggered you no longer does, which means you can see the situation more clearly and respond effectively instead of reacting emotionally.


In accordance with Chaos Theory, your self-reflection has effects you cannot see but spread nonetheless, accelerating the process of replacing those old stagnant ideas with new ones that will benefit more humans. But before the caterpillar becomes the butterfly whose flapping wings can contribute to a storm across the world, the caterpillar completely disintegrates in order to transform into the beautiful butterfly.


This is the dark night of the Soul, the process of death and rebirth. And this is what a depth psychology approach to your life is all about. If you're ready to take a risk to become the authentic version of yourself that the world needs (or maybe just your family or business), allow me to be your expert guide on your journey.

A Depth Approach to Transitioning to the New Year

Before we know it, we will find ourselves in the psychological space of new beginnings without really thinking too much about it. Maybe you always laugh and quickly come up with some resolutions right before or after the stroke of midnight. Or maybe you really do give it some serious thought, but no matter how determined and inspired you feel every January, the evidence that you’re unlikely to stick to the new version of you hides out in the back of your mind, just counting the days until you give up or adjust your goal downward.

But why must this be so?

Enjoy this blog post about reflecting backwards to gain insights from the last year to inform your approach to the new year.

The post includes 3 Steps to gain the insights you need to maximize your success in the new year.

Step #1 - How are you feeling these days?

Step #2 - What ways of thinking and behaving are in the way of achiving your desires?

Step # - Identifying all the ways this limiting dynamic is showing up in your life.

Enjoy reflecting and seeing something new about your life! Click here to read theh blog post.

Your Unconscious is Mostly In Charge Of Your Life

Sciene affirms that up to 90% of you - your patterns of thinking, behaving, making decisions, who you're attracted to, emotional reactions, and more - is influenced by mysterious unconscious forces. That's a lot of you that is yet to be discovered.

My expertise is the language of the unconscious, and all my free content is meant to help you learn little by little how your unconscious is speaking to you everyday. Synchronicity, dreams, and films are favorite ways my unconscious speaks to me, and my blog posts are meant to teach you how to work with your unconscious to find the insights you need to change your life.

Here are three blog posts where I share stories about client experiences with their unconscious. Maybe they'll resonate and inspire you to see your dreams as sources of potential ah-ha! realizations that change your perspective about your life.

Start Learning the Language of Your Unconscious

Your unconscious is waiting for you to discover who you truly are. Sure, your wounds and bad memories are in there but so is your potential. The language of the unconscious is the image, which isn't just visual. Images are impressions left on you and come in the form of emotional reactions, being attracted to certain kinds of people and situations, feeling a mixture of disdain and admiration for certain people, dyanmics at play in dreams, and intuitive nudges that cause you to go one way or the other. There's so much more!

In my book, Your Soul is Talking. Are You Listening? I share all the different ways your uncosncious is trying to get your attention to explore something right now so you can overcome a challenge or be prepared for a situation that hasn't even occurred yet.

For example, on the cusp of my marriage and business falling apart, the accidental viewing of the logo for Pacifica Graduate Institute grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me to my core. It called out to me.

I didn't know what depth psychology was, but I was never so sure about anything in that moment. I only knew I had to pursue it to save my Soul.

Grab my book or listen to me read chapters for FREE on Dose of Depth podcast. Here's Chapter 1: The Discovery of you.

Journaling Can Reveal the Pattern You Can't See Yet

Resistance to journaling is mysterious, so don't judge yourself if you're a late bloomer to this technique for making sense out of the chaos inside you. To get you started, I created two PDFs that not only offer specific reflection questions, but I also include my personal reflections on the topic.

Challenge yourself to start journaling now as the year comes to a close. I promise you'll discover something new about yourself that is key to achieving your goals and desires in 2025.

This should be enough to get your started. When you're ready for an expert guide, click here to check out my services and schedule a FREE exploratory chat.

Cheers to a Meaningful 2025

Dr. Deborah



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